5-6-24  Cat food/Medical

Since TDC does not fund FIP treatments, we have offered to send food instead to help free up some money for the treatments:

I'm distraught at this point, Bradley has been reviewed by the FIP warriors team and deemed consistent with having FIP, waiting to get dosing information....this is not a contagious condition, I will now try and save three of them from this horrible disease, I am beyond my breaking point financially...how and why is this happening, I thought if you do good, good comes back to you, I don't understand this, someone help me understand this...please pray for Arlo, Alfredo and Bradley that they can be given the gift of continued life and that I may see clearly and have the strength to do this everyday, as failure is not a choice because that means they die.

The Dollar Club paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TheDollarClub (for food)

TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for food)

Zelle: bluecats1959@gmail.com (for food)

Cash App: $RamonRuhf (for food)

Venmo: @Ramona-Ruhf (make sure to note: for food)

5-11-24  Cat food

Is anybody able to help with some food for ferals? There is an old man who has passed away and the neighbor will continue to feed, but needs help with food. She is on a fixed income and cannot manage to buy any

The Dollar Club paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TheDollarClub (for food)

TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for food)

Zelle: bluecats1959@gmail.com (for food)

Cash App: $RamonRuhf (for food)

Venmo: @Ramona-Ruhf (make sure to note: for food)

5-13-24 Kitty with hurt paw

hello! I am the one looking for help with my fur baby! she is 13 years old spayed she is and indoor car and at some point she ventured outside and got in a little riff. I'm not sure if her front paw is broken (not sure which side at the moment) or if there is a wound. I have not taken her to see a vet yet I have to call and make an appointment for her to be seen I have not figured out where I will be taking her either but I will be looking around ASAP and can get right back to you. I appreciate any help I could get!

Vet:  Gasow Veterinary Hospital (248) 644-7171 (under Cheyenne Rissane)

The Dollar Club paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TheDollarClub (for limp)
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for limp)

Zelle: bluecats1959@gmail.com (for limp)

Cash App: $RamonRuhf (for limp)

Venmo: @Ramona-Ruhf (make sure to note: for limp)